
State management

In a goblin, the state is always a shredder:

const logicHandlers = {
  type: (state, action) => {
    return state;

Exemple state

If we manage a collection of some entity, we encourage to use entity id as key:

const exempleCollection = {
  id1: {
    id: 'id1',
    name: 'Shredder 1000',
    version: 1,
    hp: '1000CH',
  id2: {
    id: 'id2',
    name: 'Shredder 2000',
    version: 2,
    hp: '2000CH',
  id3: {
    id: 'id3',
    name: 'Mega Shredder 6000',
    version: 3,
    hp: '6000CH',

Set method

state.set (path, value)

If we want set our example as state:

const logicHandlers = {
  create: (state) => {
    return state.set('', exempleCollection);

Note that we use '' path (empty) for indicating the root of the the state.

Then, in other handlers we can set specific properties, using '' path.

const logicHandlers = {
  'set-name': (state, action) => {
    const id = action.get('id');
    const name = action.get('name');
    return state.set(`${id}.name`, name);

Tips: use JS template for building the path.

Get method

state.get (path, [optionalfallbackValue])

const nameOfId1 = state.get('', null);

Delete method

state.del (path)

If we want delete the full state:

const logicHandlers = {
  delete: (state) => {
    return state.del('');

If we want delete an entry:

const logicHandlers = {
  removeById: (state, action) => {
    const id = action.get('id');
    return state.del(id);

ToJS method

state.toJS ()

const stateJs = state.toJS();

Using shredder in a widget (React side)

this.shred (data)

const person = this.shred(this.props.person);