Create icon


We reccommend you to use a professional vector drawing software to create your icon like Inkscape (open source) or Adobe Illustrator. Create a new document with a size of 512x512 pixels and unleash your creativity :)

Libraries to convert your icon

We are going to use some linux libraries to transform and convert our icon from png to the good extensions allowed by the goblin builder.

We have to generate 3 types of icon for all platforms :

  • icon.icns ( for Mac )
  • icon.ico ( for Windows )
  • icon.svg ( for Linux )

They will be placed in the folder ${yourWorkingDirectory}/app/{appName}/icons. It’s important to rename all files to icon or the goblin builder will not find the icon for your app !

To achieve that, we are going to install 2 libraries from linux :

  • icnsutils
  • imagemagick
sudo apt install icnsutils imagemagick

If you are on windows, you can use the linux subsystem to install and use these libraries.

Convert png to icns

A simple way to convert your icon from .png to .icns is to use the command png2icns from library icnsutils :

png2icns icon.icns your-icon.png

Convert png to ico

You can also convert your icon from .png to .ico by using the command convert from imagemagick. Small detail here, we specify all intermediate sizes of the icon :

convert -define icon:auto-resize="256,128,96,64,48,32,16" your-icon.png icon.ico