In the workshop we propose a kind of domain service factory. The domain driven design guidelines has been a good starting point when we started to define our first applications (see DDD). But we have adpated the methodology and rules to fit a more natural way of designing things. We keep the good of DDD and we enlight the darkness of evasives points.
We don’t pretend to be experts of DDD methodology shared by Eric Evans, we have read the book and experimented by ourself. The workshop entity builder is a field experiment, that brought us a better compromise to define domains.
The entity builder can provide service as entities. This uncommon goblins pattern offer a new way of thinking domain context, root aggregates and entities. Let’s take a look with some “natural” examples.
Before riding this chapter like a cowboy, ensure that you are ok easy with basic goblins concepts.
In the workshop, your modeling choices on paper will make some noise with other architects and domain experts! Confront your domain modeling with others, take care of naming. Don’t hesite to trash your plan’s and retry with a new iterated model. Continuous delivery of data models is the key to affine and approach a production ready schema
The basic entity, easy to define, hard to name:
const {buildEntity} = require('goblin-workshop');
const entity = {
type: 'project',
properties: {
name: {type: 'string', defaultValue: 'new project'},
onNew: function (quest, id, name) {
return {id, name};
module.exports = {
service: buildEntity(entity),
This very simple definition of a project entity will produce a loadable goblin entity service of type: ‘project’ and can be used by other goblins like that:
const projectAPI = yield quest.createNew('project', {
desktopId: quest.getDesktop(),
Has you can see, we simply use createNew to instanciate a new entity service.
The desktopId is mandatory, the main reason here is that the entity service will use it to retrieve the current storage
We can also choose the service identifier yourself:
//define your human readable identifier
const projectId = 'project@template';
// use a simple and classic create
const projectAPI = yield quest.create('project', {
id: projectId, //set you id
desktopId: quest.getDesktop(),
name: 'template project'
With this kind of human readable identifier you can retrieve the template project using this kind of create, in a further process, the “name” argument is useless and can be omitted if the entity service as already persisted the template.
It’s important to keep the service name at start of the identifier, using something else will produce unexpected results and errors.
The entity is new, and will initialise his state by executing the onNew: function. This function simply return the intial properties value. You will receive arguments has provided by the caller:
const projectAPI = yield quest.createNew('project', {
desktopId: quest.getDesktop(),
name: '007' //initialize the name properties
If the argument is not provided by the caller, properties will be initialized with default value (’new project’ in this case)
If a bad value is provided by the caller, the creation will throw and fail.
//try to create a new project using a number
const projectAPI = yield quest.createNew('project', {
desktopId: quest.getDesktop(),
name: 7
You can also write and use the onNew handler like other goblin quests, and calling another goblin for initializing your project name:
onNew: function* (quest, id) {
const finderAPI = quest.getAPI('project-name-finder');
const name = yield finderAPI.findProjectName();
return {id, name};
See the onNew quest like a constructor. It will be called only if the entity is new, namely the entity has not been created by a goblin before. The goblin scheduler ensure the transaction. If two goblins try to create the same service identifier (aka entity), only one create (and only one onNew) will be called, the second caller will work with the same instance after yielding the create.
yield projectAPI.change({path: 'name', newValue: 'G1-007'});
Then, we just call the generic change({path,newValue}) method, for applying a single mutation to our entity. Under the hood this mutation will produce some processing and side effects:
First, the entity will emit a project@unique-service-id.changed event. Note that this event is emitted only if the name has really changed.
In response to this events, some subscribers will start processing the change. The first consumer of this kind of events is the entity cache feeder. Is role will be explained soon.
If we want to emit a dedicated domain event, we must doing that manually.
//in the projectManager service:
quest.evt('project-name-changed', {oldName: '007', newName: 'G1-007'});
Then a email notification service can handle that kind of events (why not?)