The goblin tradingpost allow you to serve goblin quests on an http API. You can add multiple goblin on the trading post with the quest below :
yield tradingAPI.addGoblinApi({
goblinId: 'super-goblin',
allowedCommands: ['toggleGodMode'],
secure: null, // Not implement for the moment
When you are ready to serve your goblin(s) quests on the server, just start the server :
const address = yield tradingAPI.start();
There is a swagger server in dev environnement to see and
test all quests exposed on the fastify server. Add just /docs
to the base url
returned by the quest start
You can remove quests exposed from a goblin by passing the goblinId :
yield tradingAPI.removeGoblinApi({
goblinId: 'super-goblin',
Or remove all goblin quests :
yield tradingAPI.removeAllGoblinApi();
If you remove goblin quests you have to restart server for the changes to take effect :
yield tradingAPI.restart();
When you are done with the tradingpost, you can call the close quest :
yield tradingAPI.close();