
It is possible to pass several packages or nothing. In the first case, all packages will be generated. If nothing is passed, then all packages are considered.

pacman.make                     # To make all packages.
pacman.make package1,package2   # To make only two packages.

Sometimes it is interesting to make a package will all its dependencies. The following pattern @deps will do the trick. Of course, you can add other packages.

pacman.make package1,@deps             # To make package1 and its dependencies.
pacman.make package1,@deps,package2    # To make package1, its dependencies and
                                       # the package2.

In some cases (like for Continuous Integration), you can overload some properties for a specific package or all packages. The overload is done on the properties available in the definition files.

pacman.make package1 \                # Overload the version of package1.
pacman.make package1,package2 \       # Overload only the version of package1.
            p:package1:version=1.0.0  # In the case of package2, it will use
                                      # its own version.

It is possible to overload all packages with only one p: argument.

pacman.make package1,package2 \   # Overload the distribution globally.
pacman.make p:distribution=test/  # Like previous with all packages.

An other example very useful with a CI (when a tag is pushed for example).

pacman.make srcpackage,@deps \
            p:srcpackage:version=1.0.0 \

It makes the srcpackage and its dependencies. The package will be created with the version 1.0.0, and because this package is related to a git repository, the tag v1.0.0 will be used.

In this case, the reference can be a commit, a branch or a tag.


A package is not re-maked if the files in its packages/ have not changed. A timestamp is saved in the var/xcraft-contrib-pacman/ directory with the current timestamp. Before a make, this timestamp is compared against all timestamps (mtime) of the files available in packages/.

Note that if a data.get.uri target has changed, this mechanism will not detect anything. File, repository, etc,… is only downloaded or copied by the [xcraft-contrib-peon][4] (make or install time, it depends if the package embeds the data or not).

Here an example where it can be a problem:

# Part a y YAML definition file.
    uri: home:///foobar

The foobar/ directory is located in the toolchain, but for pacman, it is just a data location like http for example. If you change something in the foobar/ directory, nothing will be detected by pacman.

Note that the version should probably change in this case. Then the package will be processed because the definition file will have a newer timestamp.